Wabern plant

Factory tours
We offer factory tours only during the sugar beet processing campaign, from October to December/January. For more information, please contact the factory you would like to visit directly.
Südzucker AG - Werk Wabern
Homberger Straße 1
34590 Wabern
Phone: +49 5683 501-0
E-mail: [email protected]
About the factory
The first tests on a continuous crystallization process to produce standardized white sugar 2 for industrial use were conducted at Wabern in 1983. What makes the process special is that it is very energy efficient. It was subsequently adopted by some other sugar factories.
The factory operates twenty-four hours per day during the campaign, which lasts from September to January. Several thousand tonnes of beets are delivered and converted daily. During an average sugar campaign, the annual sugar needs of a German citizen are met in less than five seconds. The factory can produce enough sugar in one year to satisfy the needs of two to three million consumers.
History of the factory
8 August 1880
Founding by 117 farmers from North Hesse with a capital of 336,600 Marks. 1,122 registered shares with restricted transferability are issued with a beet cultivation obligation of three-eighths hectare per share. Construction of the factory by "Braunschweigische Maschinen-Bauanstalt" [Braunschweig machine construction plant].
Start of first campaign.
Construction of a workers' barrack. As from 1890, campaign manpower comes from the Eastern part of the German Reich and from Poland.
Electrification of the plant. In addition, offices and laboratories are renovated and modern sanitary facilities are installed.
17 May 1943
Detonation of the Eder valley barrage by English air forces results in a flood catastrophe.
5 November 1944
Bomb attack on the plant.
The Karlshof barn is set on fire by American tanks, 800 tonnes of sugar are destroyed.
Conversion to white sugar production and construction of a new sugar warehouse.
Establishment of a plant to refine raw sugar.
Acquisition by the Zuckerfabrik Franken GmbH.
Founding of the "Vereinigte Zuckeraktiengesellschaft Obernjesa-Wabern-Warburg (VZAG)" [united sugar corporation] as subsidiary of Zuckerfabrik Franken GmbH.
Capacity expansion: the sugar factory Obernjesa is shut down, Wabern takes over its beets.
New construction of a building with social rooms.