Supervisory board, committees and co-determination

Rules of procedure for the supervisory board of Südzucker AG 2024

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Dr. Stefan Streng
Chairman of the executive board of the
Association of Süddeutsche Zuckerrübenanbauer e. V.
Curriculum vitae

Rolf Wiederhold*
1st Deputy chairman
Chairman of the central works council of
Südzucker AG
Curriculum vitae

Erwin Hameseder
2nd Deputy chairman
Mühldorf, Austria
Chairman of
Raiffeisen-Holding Niederösterreich-Wien
Curriculum vitae

Fred Adjan*
Deputy chairman of the
Food and Catering Union (NGG)
Curriculum vitae

Helmut Friedl
Egling a. d. Paar
Chairman of the executive board of the
Association of Bayerische Zuckerrübenanbauer e. V.
Curriculum vitae

Ulrich Gruber*
Deputy chairman of the central works council of
Südzucker AG
Curriculum vitae

Georg Koch
Chairman of the executive board of the
Association of Zuckerrübenanbauer Kassel e. V.
Curriculum vitae

Susanne Kunschert
Managing partner of Pilz GmbH & Co. KG
Curriculum vitae

Ulrike Maiweg*
Member of the works council at the Mannheim Headquarters of
Südzucker AG
Curriculum vitae

Walter Manz
Chairman of the executive board of the
Association of hessisch-pfälzische Zuckerrübenanbauer e. V.
Curriculum vitae

Julia Merkel
Member of the board of management of
R+V Versicherung AG
Curriculum vitae

Sabine Möller*
Divisional head of the
Food and Catering Union (NGG)
Curriculum vitae

Dr. Stefan Mondel*
Technical Director
Südzucker AG
Curriculum vitae

Angela Nguyen*
Chairwoman of the works council of
Freiberger Osterweddingen GmbH
Curriculum vitae

Mustafa Öz*
Bavarian regional chairman of the 
Food and Catering Union (NGG)
Curriculum vitae

Joachim Rukwied
President of the
German Farmers' Association
Curriculum vitae

Bernd Frank Sachse*
Chairman of the works council at the Zeitz factory of
Südzucker AG
Curriculum vitae

Clemens Schaaf
Landsberg (Saalekreis)
Chairman of the executive board of the
Association of Sächsisch-Thüringischer Zuckerrübenanbauer e. V.
Curriculum vitae

Nadine Seidemann*
Deputy chairwoman of the works council at the Rain factory of
Südzucker AG
Curriculum vitae

Dr. Claudia Süssenbacher
Gablitz, Austria
Managing Director
Raiffeisen-Holding Niederösterreich-Wien
Curriculum vitae

* employee representative

General Committee

Dr. Stefan Streng (Chairman of the supervisory board)
Rolf Wiederhold (1. Deputy chairman of the supervisory board)
Erwin Hameseder (2. Deputy chairman of the supervisory board)
Fred Adjan

Audit Committee

Susanne Kunschert (Chairwoman)
Helmut Friedl (Deputy chairman)
Ulrich Gruber
Mustafa Öz
Dr. Claudia Süssenbacher
Rolf Wiederhold

Strategy and Sustainability Committee

Helmut Friedl (Chairman)
Dr. Stefan Streng
Joachim Rukwied
Erwin Hameseder
Fred Adjan
Ulrich Gruber
Angela Nguyen
Rolf Wiederhold

Agriculture and Commodity Markets Committee

Georg Koch (Chairman)
Dr. Stefan Streng
Helmut Friedl
Walter Manz
Ulrike Maiweg
Dr. Stefan Mondel
Frank Sachse
Nadine Seidemann

Nomination Committee

Dr. Stefan Streng (Chairman)
Helmut Friedl
Erwin Hameseder
Julia Merkel

Social Welfare Committee

Dr. Stefan Streng (Chairman)
Helmut Friedl
Erwin Hameseder
Fred Adjan
Sabine Möller
Rolf Wiederhold

Arbitration Committee

Dr. Stefan Streng (Chairman)
Erwin Hameseder
Rolf Wiederhold
Fred Adjan

A company can only achieve long-term market success when its employees identify with their company and corporate goals as well as their own goals are actively recognized and acknowledged. This creates a partnership that benefits everyone involved: a true win-win situation.Südzucker's premise is that its employees are the foundation of the company's success. This high regard is reflected in corporate policies and the partnership with the employees' representatives, unions and the employees themselves.

Equal number of members on Südzucker's supervisory board and executive committee

Since introduction of the Mitbestimmungsgesetz (German co-determination act) in fiscal 1977/78, Südzucker's supervisory board membership has been based on parity. At the present time, the supervisory board has twenty members. The executive committee of the supervisory board has four persons and also has parity membership. Co-determination is not a historic relic, but remains a key element of good corporate governance. The partnership between the executive board and supervisory board, also with representatives of the employees, is based on mutual trust. This constructive configuration has enabled the company and employees to develop binding solutions based on consensus, even in cases of factory closures. It is clear that co-determination has not hindered Südzucker's growth. In fact, quite the opposite has occurred: The constructive teamwork with employees and their representatives has enabled the company to progress.

At Südzucker, employees and their representative partners are engaged in a fair, constructive dialogue. We have taken it upon ourselves to regularly and comprehensively inform our employees or their representatives about all important developments and events, beyond the extent required by law. If necessary, we seek their input on relevant topics. It goes without saying that all legally stipulated employee representation is in place. Every operation has a works committee made up of representatives in accordance with the requirements of the German Works Council Constitution Act. Youth, apprentice, and seriously disabled persons representation was established on a prorated basis for the number of young people, apprentices and seriously disabled persons in the company. Representative bodies exist at the corporate level to which the local employee representative delegate their members (central works council; central youth and apprentice representatives; central seriously disabled persons representatives).

Euro works council since 1996

Südzucker has also had a European works council at the group level since 1996. Its mandate covers Südzucker and subsidiaries throughout the European Union's member states. The EURO Works Council consists of representatives from Germany, Austria, Belgium and France, and as of the beginning of 2005, from Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
