In view of the considerable quantities that arrive at our factories as raw materials and leave again as products, logistics is a central challenge for the segments of the Südzucker Group. Our goal is to reduce transport-related CO2 emissions as far as possible and save costs at the same time by selecting suitable means of transport and continuously optimizing routes. Modern IT systems and a wide range of different means of transport help us achieve this goal.
CropEnergies: Train and ship deliver climate-friendly fuel
With a greenhouse gas saving of more than 70 % compared with fuel of fossil origin, renewable ethanol makes an important contribution to reducing emissions in the transport sector, and CropEnergies' products also make their way to customers, in this case the major mineral oil producers, in an environmentally friendly manner: More than 90 % of the ethanol is delivered from the production sites in Zeitz/Germany, Wanze/Belgium, Loon-Plage/France and Wilton/United Kingdom by train or even by ship. This protects the climate and reduces the volume of traffic on the roads.

Sugar distribution: rail supplements road
Sugar transports to the large seaport terminals on the North Sea can be carried out efficiently by rail by loading block trains and connecting the locations by rail. But what if smaller quantities have to be transported?
This is where the intermodal system shows its advantages: The first and the last part of the journey is made by road, the longest distance in between by rail. Intermodal transports now account for almost half of our sugar deliveries to Italy.
IT solution optimizes routes
23 factories and 2 refineries, plus internal and external warehouses, several thousand destinations and many thousands of deliveries: It's hard to keep track of it all.
To optimize our distribution logistics in the sugar segment, we use special software that creates the shortest possible connections between goods and customers. This saves distance and thus costs and CO2.