Plattling plant

Factory tours
We offer factory tours only during the sugar beet processing campaign, from October to December/January. For more information, please contact the factory you would like to visit directly.
Südzucker AG - Werk Plattling
Dr.-Ludwig-Kayser-Straße 1
94447 Plattling
Phone: +49 9931 704-0
E-mail: [email protected]
About the factory
The factory operates twenty-four hours per day during the campaign, which lasts from September to January. During an average campaign, the annual sugar needs of a German citizen are met every second. The factory can produce enough sugar in one year to satisfy the needs of seven to eight million consumers. Some of the beet syrup produced daily is not immediately converted to sugar. Instead, it is stored and converted to sugar in May and June of the following year. The silos can hold more than 50,000 tonnes of sugar. Large tanks capable of storing more than 100,000 cubic meters of the intermediate beet syrup are also located at the site.
History of the factory
Conclusion to build another plant in Bavaria with a daily capacity of 3,000 tonnes. Plattling is chosen as site. Its benefits are the good infrastructure – especially regarding transportation and recruiting – and lower costs for beet carriage.
As from May 1960
Construction of the factory. New technical standards are set with the first central control stand.
The first campaign starts on 2 October. The daily processing capacity is about 3,000 tonnes.
The cultivation area increases by 11 percent to 7,400 hectares. For the first time, a sugar factory conducts the campaign with a core workforce of only 262 industrial workers.
A 2.5 kilogram baling machine is used for the packaging of preserving sugar and refined sugar.
Introduction of the company suggestion system for improvements.
Construction of a machine for the production and packaging of gelling sugar.
In Plattling, the first laboratory for beet quality improvement is established.
Sugar warehouse of the sugar factory Stuttgart is transferred to Plattling after its shutdown.
Increase of the daily capacity to 12,000 tonnes through comprehensive alteration measures – a milestone in the development of the plant. Judging by its daily beet processing capacity, Plattling is at this point the biggest sugar factory in the federal territory.
Plattling is the first plant of Südzucker AG to conduct a syrup campaign.
Increase of daily capacity to 14,000 tonnes through further expansion measures.
"Frost campaign": Extremely low temperatures prevail. The demolition squad of the Federal Border Force has to support the unloading of the beets.
First beet delivery via trucks.
Running the firing system with biogas becomes possible.
Reconstruction of the beet yard: New capacity of 2,000 tonnes of beets per hour, beet delivery is possible 16 hours a day, further optimizations during the following year.
Introduction of 24-hour beet delivery (Monday to Saturday).
Capacity increase to 17,000 tonnes of sugar processing per day.