Südzucker Group Strategy 2026 PLUS
“Get the Power of Plants”
Group Strategy 2026 PLUS aims to position Südzucker Group so that it is even more innovative, customer-focused and consistently aligned to sustainability and profitable growth. Our aim is to be the leading partner for plant-based solutions for an enjoyable, healthy and sustainable world.
The underlying principle common to all our business units is “Get the Power of Plants“: through the power of plants, we are further expanding our expertise in nutrition, energy and beyond, and strengthening our company’s position.

Our Purpose is to contribute to an enjoyable, healthy, and sustainable world based on the power of plants.
Our Mission is to develop, to process and to deliver value from plants for nutrition, energy & beyond – being the partner of choice for farmers, customers and consumers.
Our Vision is to become the leading integrated group for plant-based solutions – locally, regionally & globally.

Group Strategy 2026 PLUS - Five strategic fields of action
- Our employees
Our employees are the cornerstones of our company. Their passion and diverse skills shape our corporate success. We will provide a framework of conditions that promotes stronger networking and closer conversations among our employees, throughout the group and across the divisions. In doing so, we bundle their diverse capabilities and identify potential opportunities at an early stage. Seizing these and executing the action plans helps us achieve our goals.
- Sustainability
We are committed to being socially responsible toward our employees, suppliers, customers and business partners. We consistently ensure that our activities along the entire value chain are sustainable – from cultivation to development and production, right through to the end product. This includes environmentally conscientious use of natural resources, efficiently utilizing our raw materials, reducing our emissions and taking into consideration the interests of all key Südzucker stakeholders.
- Markets and customers
We are shifting our focus to our customers and their needs. Understanding our markets and customers enables us to seize upon market trends at an early stage, which allows us to offer suitable solutions or develop them together with our customers. This strategy builds on the networked knowledge of our diversified group (group strength). We continuously and purposefully enhance our focused product portfolio in order to consolidate and expand our customer base. But we also penetrate new markets and acquire new customers.
- Plant-based solutions
Our business model is based upon converting agricultural raw materials into high-quality products. Starting from this core concept, we have already successfully expanded and diversified our product portfolio. We intend to systematically stay the course and tap our group’s expertise and the innovative strength of our employees to develop new products, concepts and services and successfully market them. We will therefore align our innovation processes with the market and systematically exploit synergies from our diversified product portfolio.
- Profitable growth
We aim to grow profitably. We will pave the way to achieving this aim by consistently implementing the goals described in our action areas, in conjunction with aligning our corporate organization based on two key success factors: adaptability and competitive cost structures. Our focus is on increasing efficiency and revenues as well as establishing innovative products and business areas.